Successfully applied the Malik Syntegration method for GDC Hanoi
Viện Nghiên cứu Phát triển Lãnh đạo Chiến lược
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Within the scope of the consulting contract, the Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (Sleader) successfully organized the Strategy Conference for GDC Hanoi by implementing the Syntegration Method of Malik Institute.

In 2020, GDC encoutered several obstacles due to the impacts of Covid 19 pandemic. However, with the visionary and aspirational Board of Directors, GDC Hanoi decided to choose Sleader as a consulting organisation to develop and implement the strategy for 2025, vision 2035. Among a number of reputable domestic and international consulting firm, Sleader differentiates by applying the harmonious combination between Eastern strategic thinking and Western scientific tools.

Moreover, Malik Institute – Europe’s leading organization for system thinking and effective management has qualified Sleader as a credible organisation to transfer the one of their advanced tools – Syntegration. Syntegration has been applied successfully in more than 1,000 enterprises around the world and GDC Hanoi is the first organisation in Vietnam implementing this method. This marks a new milestone in building long-term and effective solutions for Vietnamese organizations to overcome key challenges. Syntegration maximizes the collective intelligence, overcoming the weaknesses of traditional consulting methods. Applying this method, Vietnamese businesses are able to accomplish outstanding results in the near future.
After 2 working days, the solidarity and energy of GDC team was greatly enhanced. GDC team enthusiatically participated in the discussion where hierarchy was erased and all participants were able to speak their mind. Sharing the opinion about Syntegration, Mr. Nguyen Van Khoa, Chairman of the Board of Directors agreed that this method helped to increase efficiency and promote employee’s creativity. The collective intelligence would fuel a profound change which makes GDC become the Top 10 professional contractors and generate revenue of VND 5,000 billion by 2025.
The Conference also welcomed the presence of an honourable guest- Professor Fredmund Malik, founder of Malik Institute, one of the greatest business thinkers of the 21st Century. He congratulated Sleader on suceessfully applying the Syntegration method in Vietnam for the first time and also believed that the innovative thinking and enthusiasm would enable GDC Hanoi to achieve its objective by 2025.
Photos of the Conference:

News and Photos: Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research