Successful management with Training course “Chief Effective Executive (CEE)”
Viện Nghiên cứu Phát triển Lãnh đạo Chiến lược
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On July 11th, 2020, the Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER) organized the opening ceremony of the CHIEF EFFECTIVE EXECUTIVE (CEE) training program, first held in Vietnam with a completely new approach to management.
The world is going through one of the biggest changes in the history of development, the world’s economy is in the most serious decline since World War II. Vietnam has been through a difficult 6 – months period; more than 56,200 enterprises declared bankruptcy, that increased 10% compared to 2019; the unemployment rate increased; GDP in the second quarter was only 0.36%, the lowest ever that much lower than in 1986.
When the economy reopen, it is time for businesses to realize that there are many “opportunities” instead of “problems”. Identifying the right opportunities, restructuring the system, and operating the system effectively are required for businesses. “Effectiveness” is the core factor that helps not only businesses overcome the COVID crisis, but also thrive and succeed sustainably. However, the correct understanding of “effectiveness” and how to apply “effectiveness” is still a question for many organizations, state agencies, and enterprises. To introduce new philosophies towards an effective management model in a constantly changing and unpredictable world, the Institute for Strategic Leadership (Sleader) co-operates with the Malik Institute, Switzerland to organize the “Chief Effective Executive” course (CEE). The key content is to deliver European-class management knowledge and skills that have been created to be compatible with the specifics of the Vietnamese business environment.
The Chief Effective Executive course is a completely new approach to management, which emphasizes factors such as “Right job, right person, right time”. Also, the program aims to discover individual strengths as well as how to use the strengths of the staff to create outstanding capabilities for the organization. In particular, learners will be introduced to the skills and tools to support the management so that leaders can both achieve effectiveness at work and enjoy their lives.
With specific faculty of applying to all management subjects in all industries, the program has attracted the attention and participation of many business leaders in many different fields: Banking, Real Estate, Pharmaceuticals, Commercial Services. Accompanying the learners is a team of lecturers who are experienced experts, consulting for organizations/businesses and successfully apply effective management models into practice.
With the above unique mindset and approach, the Chief Effective Executive (CEE) course consisting of 6 topics will be introduced in the following days and is expected to end on July 26, 2020. Here are pictures of the first day of the course:

News: The Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (Sleader)