SLEADER accompanies Tien Nong in the 2nd startup
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In 2 days from July 6th to 7th of 2022, Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER) cooperated with Tien Nong Industrial and Agricultural Joint Stock Company to conduct a training program to transfer consulting solutions “Development of better, nicer and cheaper products”.
Dr. Duong Thu, Director of Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research(SLEADER) and a group of experts directly exchanged and continuously discussed 4 core topics with members of Board of Directors, CEO factories, management staff of departments & centres.
With the goal of gathering collective intelligence to create breakthrough and practical solutions, the training program has been specifically designed by applying smart management tools to create an environment through learning experience in which learners are the central subject to guide, elicit maximum intelligence and creative energy. As a result, members have not only absorbed knowledge naturally, but also have proposed unprecedented solutions, delivered outstanding results. Regardless of rank and position, members haven’t been hesitated to present the results of discussion or criticise from a personal perspective for a prosperous Tien Nong community in the future. Based on the agreed results from the Syntegration Conference along with the guidance of experts from Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER), members have created their own solutions, concretized roadmap to develop Tien Nong\’s products in achieving all 3 goals at the same time “Better, nicer and cheaper products”.
The training program has had a positive effect and imparted to every employee of company abundant energy to be ready in deploying solutions which created by themselves. Mr. Nguyen Hong Phong, General Director has expressed his expectation that SLEADER\’s smart management methods and tools would help increasing the strength of each individual and Tien Nong team in the 2nd start-up phase. This is the start-up for employees and the community of Tien Nong. He has emphasized the development philosophy that Tien Nong will pioneer in the near future, which is to exploit creative capacity instead of using material resources. According to that philosophy, all members of Tien Nong must uphold the spirit of self-study, self-solution and constantly expand their intellectual vision to lead a better enterprise . Words go hand in hand with action, right at the closing ceremony of the training program, along with awarding prizes to the group of members with the best contributions, General Director Nguyen Hong Phong has given all the members an elite of management handbook which called Decoding the East-West Strategy, has just been published by Institute of Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER) in 2020.
The consulting project “Building strategic implementation solutions for Tien Nong Industrial and Agricultural Joint Stock Company” has applied effective management tools transferred from Malik Institute, Switzerland. In particular, the intelligent interaction tool of the Malik Syntegration method has made breakthroughs to get concrete and feasible solutions quickly, 80 times more efficient than conventional implementations. The results of 2 days of the training at Tien Nong Industrial and Agricultural Joint Stock Company, once again, has demonstrated the superiority of modern management technology Malik, Switzerland, which is creatively applied in the typical business environment of Vietnam.
Some pictures:
Dr. Duong Thu, Director of Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER) is giving a presentation on systems of thinking
Members actively work as a team
Members present group work results
Dr. Duong Thu, Director of SLEADER and Mr. Nguyen Hong Phong, General Director of Tien Nong Industrial and Agricultural Joint Stock Company took photos with members
General Director Nguyen Hong Phong presents books to Tien Nong members
News and photos: Institute for Strategic Leadership Development Research (SLEADER)